Find New Friends

Join Find New Friends and you can do just that in the UK. We are not a dating site, our mission is to help you find people that you would like to be friends with in the real world. At the moment we are particularly looking for new members in Kent.

How it Works

You join as a member at whatever level you wish. You will pay an annual membership fee according to the level that you join at. There is also a fee for accepting an invitation to an event and you will also need to pay for the cost of attending each event when there is a cost.

Older woman at the diner table

Basic Information

When you register you provide us with your basic information. You are required to answer all of the basic information questions. These include such things as Name, Address, Date of Birth, Sex and so on. This information is part of what we will use when identifying the best events to invite you to. The information that you provide by answering these questions will be stored securely and remain confidential, we will only ever disclose this information to law enforcement agencies if they have good reason to require it. That is part of how we protect members when meeting other members at an event.


When you have registered you are invited to answer our questionnaire. The information that you provide by answering questions in the questionnaire will be stored securely and remain confidential. You can answer more questions or amend your previous answers at any time.

You can answer as many or as few of the questions as you wish. The more questions that you answer the more you are likely to receive invitations to appropriate events. The important thing is that if you do answer a question then you do so truthfully. Where you have not answered any particular question then we will take your view on that topic as being neutral.

Questions in the questionnaire may be added, amended or deleted from time to time, so it is worth checking back to update your answers.

If you become a member then we can invite you to events. That means that we have identified common ground between you and others who are being invited to that event.

Group Selfy

Views and Politics

Where a question is seeking your stance or political view on an issue we want to know your position and whether you want to encourage or avoid meeting people who disagree with you. Many people would like to avoid meeting people who disagree with them and many people would like the opportunity to meet people that they disagree with. The following is an example question using the subject of Brexit.

Brexit Example

The People You Would Like to Meet

Having established your position in one of the first two columns you can then say whether you would like to avoid or encourage meeting people who disagree with you. This will not be a guarantee that you will not meet such people at an event but we will try to avoid or encourage such meetings accordingly. If you select the ‘Absolute’ option then we will only invite you to events where the other people invited agree with your position but that is likely to limit the pool of events available to you.

There will not normally be less than six people invited to attend an event.

The first step is to register you can then complete our questionnaire. After that you can sign up for a membership level which is the first time that it will cost any money. You will be invited to events that should be the kind of thing that you are looking for.


Your Preferences

Through the questionnaire you can specify the upper and lower ages as well as the sex and sexuality of the people that you would like to meet. If you are invited to an event then at least some of the guests will meet your preferences. You can specify the days of the week when you would expect to be available to attend an event.

You can specify how far you are willing to travel to attend an event. You can specify a minimum distance so that you can be sure that you are not too close to home and a maximum distance to limit your travel.

You can specify the people that you would like to meet or avoid. You may want to only meet people who share your preference for smoking or you may say ‘not fussed’ to that just like in the Brexit example above. As always ‘not fussed’ will provide the largest pool of people for you to meet.

You will normally be invited to an event along with people at or close to your membership level. This may not always be the case pending member availability.

Older Dancers

Hosting an Event

You are welcome to host an event if you wish. We would require that you provide details of your event before we can accept it and send out invitations on your behalf. We would require details such as type of event (e.g. Dinner Party or Walk in the Park), location of the event, number of guests and any requirements of the guests (e.g. members must be anti Brexit, where we can identify a stance). You can set rules for your event such as non smoking or no alcohol.

If your event does involve food you need to be aware and upfront about whether you can satisfy peoples’ dietary requirements.

You also need to specify any cost to members to attend the event and/or any requirements of members (e.g. bring a bottle, dress code or running shoes). You are not encouraged to make a profit from an event, the cost to members should be just to cover the cost of staging the event.

If we have agreed to your event then we will work with you to promote the event and invite members.

And Much More

As the community grows we will add to the questions and the possibilities. You can help be a part of that growth by your participation.
If you have any questions about Find New Friends then please send them to: